“I am a retired law enforcement officer. During my years of service, I had the opportunity not only to serve and protect my community but also serve as the department armorer. As armorer I made sure all department weapons were reliable.”

-Jim Albright, Master Gunsmith  


Transfer Fees: Long gun $30 Handgun $40

(Handgun fee includes a $10 WI handgun hotline Fee)


How to buy a firearm online




Once you have purchased a gun, reach out via email or phone and let us know your contact information, the details of the gun and seller’s contact information. We will handle the FFL verification process and initiate the transfer.


Schedule aN Appointment

Once your new gun(s) arrive at the shop directly from the seller. We will contact you to schedule an appointment. At this appointment, you will fill out paperwork and complete a background check. Bring your valid driver's license or any government issued ID card.


Wait. Patiently

Some buyers receive immediate approval and some may need to wait. It could take anywhere from A few hours to a few days* to hear back. Please know that if the Federal Regulation of Firearms is back logged this may effect wait times.

*This wait time is out of our hands and there is nothing we are able to do to speed it up.



Your background check is cleared. We will contact you via phone to let you know to stop by the shop at your convenience. When you come in, the forms are completed including the exact time of transfer. You then pay the transfer fee and the gun(s) is officially transferred to you.



YOUR information is confidential. Neither the other party nor the government have access to your personal information or details about guns you own.


What is needed for the seller to ship the gun to afs?

The seller needs to see our Federal Firearm License. If they don’t already have a copy, I will email it to them. The seller can only ship to the address on the license.

Can I fill out the background paperwork before the gun arrives to save time?

No, according to Federal regulations, we must have the firearm on-site and the serial number logged in our “bound book” before any paperwork is prepared.

Are there any concerns with the USED make, model and caliber I am considering purchasing?

The short answer is yes, possibly. Over the many years of repairing firearms, we have found several makes, models and calibers to have certain issues with reliability and/or accuracy. If you are considering a purchase and want to verify its value and reliability we are happy to help. Please click here to email the gunsmith the details of your potential purchase and he will give you his recommendations based on his 34 years of experience and expertise.

waNt some guidance or RECOMMENDATIONS on what and where to purchase online?

Click below to tell us what you are looking for and we will get back to you with some recommendations and resources.